
me15102013-1About – seems arbitrary, but then it is the story of my life.

My name is Sarah Kimberly Euschen – aka SaKiE

There where times, when I thought my life was a mess, chaotic, painful, meaningless. But then realized what a opportunity I was given.

I am the daughter of a cameraman, photographer and traveler, the grand daughter of an artist, a painter and sculptor – a man that has traveled the world to the Amazon and back.

A daughter to a mother who grew up post war in the jungle of Brazil, despite being of swiss decent.

A great grand daughter to a violin and instrument maker.

And child that never stopped asking questions, that never understood limits.

This is my heritage.

I can only define my self as the sum of all the above. A film maker, production designer, animator, writer and creator.

Visual expression was my way, until the day I discovered my first instrument, not too long ago. With the words that Vangelis gave once on my way “You don’t need to understand music, you just need to listen”, I began a journey of combining image with sound.

“dreaming with open eyes…”