Production Design

Production Design has multiple meanings depending on the trade.

In film, television and theater, a production designer (or P.D) is the person responsible to the visual look and feel of the production.

The P.D. key responsibility to take the directors vision into the physical manifestation. This both creatively, technically and from a budgetary point of view.

Along with the director of photography (D.P.) we tell a story visually.

The term “production designer” was coined by William Cameron Menzies while he was working on the film Gone with the Wind.[1] Previously (and often subsequently) the people with the same responsibilities were called “art directors“.

In the live entertainment industry I have coined the term as a umbrella for the design process of not only the creative visual aspect, but more so technical and logistically. Here the production design refers to all physical aspects of a production, involving all technical fields, such as light, sound, video, staging, scenography and more.

In live events we tell stories, send people on a journey that often addresses all senses.