Imagine Dragons

The Chosen One: Orienne 

The Non Believer: Dacian 

The old wise Dragon: Dahakka


For thousands of years, humans relied on the magical connection with Dragons. Only in the past few hundred years the powers and believe have faded, they became the source of mythology.

Dragons where once protectors, living in unison and harmony along side with us. This bond is no longer strong with the growing tension in the world, as dragons feed of our harmony.

Its was the chosen ones, that understood the powers that formed the bond. They passed the wisdom of the universe, the importance of balance from generation to generation. One can nor survive without the other. We need each other, without knowing.

Today only one chosen one remains, a rural girl, who grew up protected by the last members of the twelve Dragon houses. She holds the power of the universe, that invisible force that keeps us connected to one another.

It is her destiny since birth, to pass along the wisdom she was given by all generations before, generations that lived with the Dragon houses in peace. She is the last one, that has ever seen all twelve houses alive.

If she fails the connection will extinguish, Dragons will disappear forever and with them the hope for unity and stability in the entire universe.

There is a balance between the visible and invisible forces, equal to the force that binds Dragons and humans. If one forces fades away, the other one becomes suffers.

The chosen one knows – it is the instability and disruption of that balance, that is the source of the despair and destruction in our world.

As the last chosen one, she had to swear a oath – to keep the secrets and to find others to choose – before she can fulfill the last promise, to bring balance back into the universe.

In a few hours she will leave, to embark on a journey nobody has travelled, between light and dark, guided by the remaining Dragons through history and time.

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